Code: 9695/176 9695/175 9695/ZLU Choose variant


Code: 9695/176 9695/175 9695/ZLU Choose variant

Nejoblíbenější putter od Innovy. Aviar v rukách šampionů vyhrál mistrovství víckrát, než všichni jeho soupeři dohromady. Naučili jste se házet krásné rovné hody, ale putter se vám obouchal? V odolném GStar plastu vám tento Aviar vydrží mnohem déle, poskytne perfektní grip a díky své měkkosti se hodí i do zimy.

Detailed information

Currently unavailable Currently unavailable Currently unavailable Choose variant Delivery offer

Product detailed description

Disc type:

Putter (Putt & Approach) = slow speed discs which are primarily used for putting into the basket but they are also great for approach shots or drives from short and middle ranges. 


Plastic type:

GStar is a blend of Star that adds flexibility and even more grip. GStar is opaque like Star, but features a pearlescent sheen. Their allure is only surpassed by their beautiful flight. GStar discs have a smooth, gradual transition in flight and the same durability as our Star line. For cold weather play the flexibility and grip of GStar cannot be beaten, and even when the weather warms up GStar still retains similar flexibility.



In most of the cases the images of the discs are only for illustration and don’t match the reality. If you like to see the real color of the chosen variant, just email us at frisbee@ultimo.cz or message us on Whatsapp (+420776819208). We’ll be happy to send you the photo so you know what the desired disc will exactly look like.

Additional parameters

? Disc type: Putter
? Skill level: All skill levels
? Stability: Stable (straight)
? Speed: 2
? Glide: 3
? Turn: 0.0
? Fade: 1
? Manufacturer: Innova
? Blend: GStar
? Durability: Premium
All parameters
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