Discgolf discs


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Kalous ACE (First Run)
Currently unavailable
1k particle glow proton blue
TEMPO Proton Particle Glow // Jeremy Koling
Currently unavailable
PEAK Sense Putter Latitude64S Pink
Royal Sense PEAK
In stock 2 pcs
1k Particle Proton Silva Team Series Purple
1k Neutron Range Green
RANGE Cosmic Neutron // Eagle McMahon
Currently unavailable
1k Neutron Trail Stock James Conrad Yellow
TRAIL Neutron
In stock
P2X D-line Flex 3 // Gannon Buhr Triumph Series
€17,98 –14 %
Was: €17,98  (–14 %)
PEAK Grand Putter Latitude64 White
Royal Grand PEAK
Currently unavailable
Detour Michal
DETOUR Neutron // Michal Vaněk
Currently unavailable
4130 sensei active
In stock 8 pcs
1 items total
FELON Glimmer Lucid Ice // Ricky Wysocki Sockibomb 0004999 lucid ice glimmer felon sockibomb stamp
Limited edition Forehand
Fairway driver
In stock 1 pcs

In the same vein as our game changing Escape, the Felon is a fairway driver...


Discgolf discs are divided into several basic types according to their flight characteristics, especially speed:

Puttery - the slowest discs used primarily for putting. But they are also great for long throws - they fly relatively most similarly to a classic frisbee, they hold the set flight path perfectly and you can easily recognize mistakes in your technique. That's why we recommend throwing as much as possible with putters from the beginning and working your way up to a faster discs gradually and slowly.

Midrange - medium distance discs. Still great to use and accurate. If you just want to try disc golf, just one disc is all you need, which is a straight midrange.

Fairway driver - sometimes also called "Control driver" - long-distance discs with speed of 6 to 9. You can reach solid distance with these, but it needs to have a bit of a smooth technique already.

Distance driver - discs for the longest distances with speed of 10 to 15. The faster they are - the wider rim they have and therefore it may not fit well in someone's hand. To control the distance driver and throw it well you would need to have the technique well mastered. Beginners should avoid distance drivers.

In addition to these four basic types, you will find other designations from some manufacturers, such as Approach disks, Hybrid drivers (discs between the fairway and distance driver), etc.

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Kalous First Run jde v pondělí 17. 3. v 18:00 do prodeje 🦉 První fairway driver od Wingmanů je tu. Lehce nestabilní, s...
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