Midrange Rychlost5 Plachtivost4 Turn0 Fade2 The Prodigy Disc MX-3 is a slightly overstable, beaded midrange that is engineered...
Midrange Rychlost5 Plachtivost4 Turn0 Fade3 This overstable midrange falls inbetween the Kaxe and the Järn with respect...
Midrange Rychlost5 Plachtivost5 Turn-1 Fade1 The Origin from from our Evolution product line is a smaller diameter midrange...
Midrange Rychlost5 Plachtivost4 Turn-4 Fade0 Among the most understable midranges ever produced, the Paradox is capable of...
Midrange Rychlost5 Plachtivost5 Turn0 Fade1 The pathfinder flies laser straight with unmatched glide. The Pathfinder is an...
Midrange Rychlost5 Plachtivost4 Turn0 Fade2- The Prism Pyro is debuting with a stock triple-foil stamp, that in combination...
Midrange Rychlost5 Plachtivost4 Turn0 Fade2-Pyro je první stabilní midrange disk ze stáje Axiom Discs. Oproti např. Deflectoru...