Putter Rychlost2 Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade1 Have Faith, this is the putter you can lean on. Faith is a deep dish beadless putter...
Putter Rychlost2 Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade1 Hope is how you make dreams come true. This is a medium deep beadless putter with a...
Putter Rychlost3 Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade1 The Peak putter by Latitude 64° combines a low-profile, beaded design with excellent...
Putter Rychlost3 Plachtivost5 Turn-3 Fade1 Ruby is the putt & approach disc in our very popular Easy-to-use line. It...
Putter Rychlost2 Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade1 The Ruru is RPM’s dedicated putter with a stable flight path and a very small...
Fairway driver Rychlost8 Plachtivost5 Turn-0- Fade2 Saint Pro is the big brother to the Saint with added stability for the...
Fairway driver Rychlost9 Plachtivost7 Turn-1 Fade2 Saint is a highly praised control driver – both among amateurs and pros....
Distance driver Rychlost10 Plachtivost6 Turn-2 Fade1- Are distance drivers only for the pros? Nope. Say hello to our first...
Putter Rychlost3 Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade1 The Sensei is a low profile putter that fits well in any hand size. The disc is...