Distance driver Rychlost12 Plachtivost5 Turn0 Fade4 The XCaliber is extremely fast with glide and stability. The...
Fairway driver Rychlost9 Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade4 Xenon is a super overstable speed 9 fairway driver and it is in many ways...
Fairway driver Rychlost7 Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade4 XXX is our extra overstable control driver. This disc is certainly a disc...
Midrange Rychlost4 Plachtivost4 Turn0 Fade3 The Yikun Yao is a solid midrange disc available in multiple plastic...
Midrange Rychlost4 Plachtivost4 Turn0 Fade3 The Yikun Yao is a solid midrange disc available in multiple plastic types. This...
Distance driver Rychlost12 Plachtivost5 Turn-1 Fade3 This Paul McBeth signature disc is similar to the popular Innova...
Approach Rychlost4 Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade3 The Zone overstable putt and approach disc is the go-to workhorse...
Approach Rychlost4 Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade3 The Zone overstable putt and approach disc is the go-to workhorse putter for...