Approach Rychlost4 Plachtivost2 Turn0 Fade4 We put some Pepper in the Mint. Peppermint is reliable...
Fairway driver Rychlost8 Plachtivost5 Turn-1 Fade2 The Phenom is an 8 speed driver with lots of...
Distance driver Rychlost11 Plachtivost5 Turn-1 Fade2-Photon se dá dobře popsat jako delší Tesla. Siloví hráči ocení lehký turn,...
Distance driver Rychlost11 Plachtivost5 Turn-1 Fade2- The Photon is best described as a longer Tesla, with power throwers able...
Midrange Rychlost6 Plachtivost6 Turn-3 Fade0 Piwakawaka a good reliable straight disc, this will easily hold a line and with...
Distance driver Rychlost12 Plachtivost5 Turn-1 Fade2- The Plague is a stable distance driver for survivors of the doomsday. It...
Putter Rychlost3 Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade1 Popcorn is a salty straight beadless putter that works perfectly as a direct...
Distance driver Rychlost8 Plachtivost5 Turn-1 Fade1 Prototyp nového driveru z řady disků Paige Pierce, který v budoucnosti...
Putter Rychlost3 Plachtivost3 Turn-1 Fade0- The Proxy shares the Envy mold’s core, lending the same low-profile feel and solid...