Distance driver Rychlost13 Plachtivost5 Turn-2 Fade2 Starling (Kuldnokk) is the first Estonian discgolf disc. It is an elegant...
Distance driver Rychlost13 Plachtivost3 Turn0- Fade5 Overstable! That’s the main word when describing the Stiletto. And that...
Distance driver Rychlost13 Plachtivost5 Turn-2- Fade2 Tenacity is Axiom’s understable bomber from the new high-speed 23mm...
Distance driver Rychlost13 Plachtivost5 Turn0 Fade3 The Venom is a very overstable disc that is great for throwing into...
Distance driver Rychlost13 Plachtivost6 Turn-1 Fade2 The Prodigy Disc X3 is a consistent, very long flying, slightly...