DLASK COR (First Run)
Code: 15940/168 15940/169 15940/170 15940/171 15940/172 15940/173 15940/174 15940/175 Choose variant
Limited edition
Dlask web

DLASK COR (First Run)

Code: 15940/168 15940/169 15940/170 15940/171 15940/172 15940/173 15940/174 15940/175 Choose variant

RELEASE 28. 6., 18:00 // Dlask is the second Czech-made disc golf disc by already favourite Wingman Discs. It is a stlightly stable putter with a thick and moderately deep beadless rim. That makes the disc comfortably fit into pretty much every hand. Dlask is a great flyer and will serve greatly to beginner and experienced players alike.   In the premium COR plastic it is very flexible (thus grippy) and durable at the same time. 

The First Run edition comes in a signature salmon color with the shiny silver stamp. This is another important piece of the Czech disc golf history.


Detailed information

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Product detailed description

Disc type:

Putter (Putt & Approach) = slow speed discs which are primarily used for putting into the basket but they are also great for approach shots or drives from short and middle ranges. 


Plastic type:

COR is premium blend from Wingman. It is definitely one of the softer plastics, closely resembeling the K1 Soft by Kastaplast. Thanks to its flexibility it provides an awesome grip and it is very suitable for the winter play. At the same time it is very durable. The name COR originates from the latin word Corylus, which means hazel. That's because it is very flexible but also very strong.



The first run version of Dlask comes in a signature salmon color with a shiny silver stamp. It perfectly matches the attached product pictures.


In most of the cases the images of the discs are only for illustration and don’t match the reality. If you like to see the real color of the chosen variant, just email us at frisbee@ultimo.cz or message us on Whatsapp (+420776819208). We’ll be happy to send you the photo so you know what the desired disc will exactly look like.

Additional parameters

? Disc type: Putter
? Skill level: All skill levels
? Stability: Stable (straight)
? Speed: 3
? Glide: 3
? Turn: 0.0
? Fade: 1
? Manufacturer: Wingman
? Blend: COR
? Durability: Premium
? Special attribute: Winter friendly = very flexible disc
All parameters
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Wingman je vůbec první český výrobce discgolfových disků. Tato značka vznikla v roce 2022 a 2. března 2023 vydali svůj první disk - midrange Havran. 


"Jsme tři kamarádi, které spojila vášeň pro disc golf. Hledali jsme cesty, jak bychom mohli tento zápal šířit dál a zároveň jsme cítili, že českému discgolfu něco chybí. Proto jsme se rozhodli založit prvního profesionálního výrobce disc golfového vybavení v Čechách. Nejen proto, abychom mohli podpořit rozvoj sportu v Evropě, ale také abychom dostali český disc golf na světovou úroveň."


Více najdete na webové stránce Wingmanů.

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