Midrange Rychlost5 Plachtivost5 Turn0 Fade1 The pathfinder flies laser straight with unmatched glide. The Pathfinder is an...
Midrange Rychlost4 Plachtivost5 Turn-2 Fade1 Peach is an understable midrange with a lot of glide. Low speed...
Midrange Rychlost4 Plachtivost6 Turn-4 Fade0 Pearl is a midrange with a small grip, low weight starting at 150g and a neutral...
Midrange Rychlost6 Plachtivost6 Turn-3 Fade0 Piwakawaka a good reliable straight disc, this will easily hold a line and with...
Midrange Rychlost6 Plachtivost6 Turn-3 Fade0 RPM Pīwakawaka is a good reliable straight disc which will easily hold a line and...
Midrange Rychlost5 Plachtivost4 Turn0 Fade2- The Prism Pyro is debuting with a stock triple-foil stamp, that in combination...
Midrange Rychlost5 Plachtivost4 Turn0 Fade2-Pyro je první stabilní midrange disk ze stáje Axiom Discs. Oproti např. Deflectoru...