Midrange Rychlost5 Plachtivost6 Turn-4 Fade1 As the name suggests, the Rollo is a disc for rolling. Most people will find...
Midrange Rychlost5 Plachtivost5 Turn-1 Fade1 Havran (= raven) is the very first Czech-made disc golf disc. It is an neutral...
Midrange Rychlost5 Plachtivost4 Turn-1 Fade1 The Buzzz is Discgolf’s most popular midrange due to its consistency and...
Putter Rychlost4- Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade3 The disc’s flight pattern makes it just as competent for touchy flex shots as for...
Midrange Rychlost5 Plachtivost4 Turn0 Fad3 Silicon is an overstable midrange that almost feels like an overstable approach...
Midrange Rychlost4 Plachtivost5 Turn-3 Fade0 Slightly understable midrange, throw the Sol with speed and watch it float out...
Midrange Rychlost6 Plachtivost6 Turn-3 Fade0 The Tāne Mahuta is the a collaborative RPM Discs x Bros for...
Midrange Rychlost6 Plachtivost6 Turn-3 Fade0 Piwakawaka a good reliable straight disc, this will easily hold a line and with...
Midrange Rychlost5 Plachtivost5 Turn-1 Fade1 Your favorite version of the Origin is back for a second helping in the form...
Midrange Rychlost6 Plachtivost6 Turn-3 Fade0 A good reliable straight disc, this will easily hold a line and with the glide is...
Midrange Rychlost5 Plachtivost5 Turn0 Fade2 The Kotuku is a reliable, overstable to straight mid-range disc with a nice...