Putter Rychlost2 Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade2 The Gui is a beadless overstable putter with a flat top, deep rim, and...
Putter Rychlost2 Plachtivost2- Turn0 Fade3 The Yikun Hammer (Chui) is a utility putter designed for putting on windy...
Approach Rychlost4 Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade3 The Westside Harp is an overstable putt and approach disc with an ultra flat top...
Putter Rychlost3 Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade2 Proč to příbuzenstvo s vodní příšerou? Protože Hydra je putter, který plave! Pokud...
Putter Rychlost1 Plachtivost2 Turn0 Fade0 Being a very low speed disc, it can hold an anhyzer for any shot between 30 and 90...
Putter Rychlost2 Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade2 The Challenger is the flagship putter in the line-up for its consistency...
Putter Rychlost2 Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade1 The Invader is one of the best driving and approach putters available. Its flat-top...
Putter Rychlost2- Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade1 The Ion’s beaded rim design makes it a straight to overstable flier. Power putters...
Putter Rychlost2- Plachtivost3 Turn0 Fade1Ion je rovný putter, který dlouho drží ve vzduchu. Měkčí vnější hrana disku pomáhá...