On Friday, March 28 our store at Letna will be CLOSED.

Disc prints on Ultimate and DiscGolf

Do you want to have a frisbee with your club logo, company logo or simply with your own unique design? Ultimo can help you with that. What specifically do we offer?


Discgolf disc printing

    • from 1 piece

    • in many cases we can print your own discs that you bring

    • we normally print discs for tournaments, courses, disc golf clubs, workshops, advertising purposes, etc.

    • most often we print discs from Latitude 64° (Zero/Retro and Gold Line plastic)

    • printing technology - Hot stamp (from 100 pcs), DecoDye (full colour, from 20 pcs) and UV printing (wide colour spectrum, from 1 pcs)

    • waiting time:

      •           for larger orders it depends on the manufacturer's workload, normally 3 - 4 weeks

      •           for smaller quantities within 14 days (UV printing)



Printing of ultimate / recreational discs

We commonly make prints for ultimate teams, big frisbee tournaments, but also for promotional purposes, as gifts, etc.



  • BIO discs from the German company Eurodisc
  • several disc sizes and weights to choose from (175 g/27 cm, 135 g/24 cm and 110 g/23 cm)
  • from 1 piece
  • full-colour printing (possibility to print a photo)
  • delivery time about 14 days



  • possible to print Ultrastar (175 g/27 cm) or Skystyler (160 g/26.5 cm) discs
  • minimum order of 25 pcs (Centerprint or Supercolor methods)
  • Hot stamp method from 50 pcs (single colour printing), from 100 pcs (2 or more colours)
  • normal delivery time 4 - 6 weeks



Price calculations are made individually based on customer requirements.



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