Shipping and payment

Czech Republic

Transport method Payment in advance Cash on delivery
Balíkovna (pick-up point) 65 CZK + 50 CZK
Česká Pošta - home delivery 99 CZK + 50 CZK
Zásilkovna (picku-up point) 89 CZK + 50 CZK
GLS (home delivery) 89 CZK + 50 CZK
Personal pickup at the store Free of charge Free of charge
GLS Slovakia (home delivery) 119 CZK + 50 CZK
Delivery to European countries

see below

Not available


For purchases over CZK 2500, shipping is FREE (only via GLS in the Czech Republic)!



  • All prices below are in EUR and for packages up to 5 kgs * 
  • Maximum package dimensions are limited - the sum of lenght of all 3 sides is 120 cm, longets side limit is 70 cm
  • If you want to order some larger items (like baskets, carts or large backpacks), please email and we'll figure out the shipping with you individually
  • If you want to have the package delivered to a country wich is not listed below (ie. Montenegro), use the same email and we will try to figure it out with you

* the only exceptions are UK and USA where the prices are for packages up to 2 kgs


Home delivery Pickup Point
Price Provider Price Provider
Austria 7,7  DPD - N/A
Belgium 13,5  Belgian Post 10 Belgian Post
Bulgaria 10  Speedy 8 Speedy
Croatia 7,7 Overseas 7,7 Overseas
Denmark 13 Post Nord 12 Post Nord
Estonia 11 Lithuanian Post 10 Omniva
Finland 25 Post Nord 17,5 Post Nord
France 15 Collisimo 11 Mondial Relay
Germany 8,5 Hermes 8 Hermes
Great Britain * 15 Royal Mail 48 - N/A
Greece 10 Taxidromiki 6,5 BoxNow Box
Hungary 6 DPD 3,5 Packeta Z-Point
Italy 14 Bartolini 13,5 Bartolini
Latvia 8 Lithuanian Post 9,5 Omniva Box
Lithuania 7 Lithuanian Post 8,5 Omniva Box
Luxemburg 17 LU Post - N/A
Netherlands 14 DHL 9,5 DHL
Norway 36 - N/A
Poland 5 Packeta 4 Packeta Z-Point
Portugal 10 MRW 9 MRW
Romania 6,5 Packeta 4 Packeta Z-Point
Slovakia 6 Packeta 3,5 Packeta Z-Point
Slovenia 7,3 Slovenian Post 7,3 Post Box,
Spain 10 MRW 9 MRW
Sweden 18 Post Nord 12 Post Nord
Switzerland 16 Swiss Post - N/A
Ukraine 15,5 Meest 15 Nova Poshta
USA * 37 FedEx Economy - N/A

Damaged parcel

  • Always inspect the parcel from carefully and refuse to accept it if it shows serious signs of mechanical damage. In the case of only slight damage to the package, due to its nature, the goods should not be damaged (in the case of an order for discgolf discs).

  • If possible, open the parcel in front of the postman or courier.

  • If you receive a package with damage and later discover that the goods inside are damaged, the carrier will no longer accept the claim.


Payment methods

You will choose your payment method during the ordering process. currently supports the following payment options:

Cash on delivery

  • You will pay the money upon receipt of the goods to the postal carrier, post office or GLS courier. The delivery fee is 30 CZK and is added to the total price in the last step of the order.
  • Both Czech Post and GLS couriers accept card payments.

Bank transfer

  • Once you submit your order, you will receive an email confirmation.

  • You will also receive an invitation to pay the contract containing the amount, account number and variable symbol under which the payment is to be made by e-mail.

  • The money you send us will be credited within 1-3 days after you send it. After the payment is credited to our account, we will send the goods to you immediately.

  • If you want to speed up the clearance of your shipment, send us an email confirmation of payment - this eliminates the wait for payment to be credited to our account.

Cash / card on personal collection

  • Please wait for an e-mail notification that the goods are ready for collection. You can pay in cash or by credit card in our store.


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